Trademark Services

Protect and build your brand image. We can help you at every stage of the trademark application process.

Trademark Search & Opinion

We can conduct a Philippines  trademark search service with opinion to check if there is a prior filed or registered trademark in the local IP database that is similar to the brand you wish to have registered.

Trademark Prosecution & Registration (Application, Response to Refusal, Monitoring, Compliance)

We can assist you from the filing of a trademark application to the issuance and forwarding of the registration certificate, as well as responding to any possible provisional refusals or oppositions in the process. We can also assist in trademark matters filed through the Madrid System.

Trademark Maintenance & Renewal

We can help you maintain your trademarks by filing Declaration of Actual Use (DAUs) and Petitions for Renewal within the deadlines of the respective marks.

Trademark Recordation Changes

We can assist you in the recordation at IPOPHL Trademark Register of any changes in your name or business address or ownership of your mark.